Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Et tu Brute?

In case you haven't heard, both Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy endorsed Obama for the Democratic nomination today instead of Hillary. This comes after the Clintons openly campaigned for the support from the famous family.

Ted actually called Bill Clinton yesterday to inform him of his decision. That must have been an uncomfortable call.

And, speaking of uncomfortable, check out this photo of Ted and Hillary shaking hands just prior to the State of the Union tonight. Look at Obama turning away. This picture is going to win the Pulitzer Prize, mark my words. I scoured the internet to find a good copy of the photo, but it is no where to be found yet. So, I rewound the DVR recording of MSNBC tonight, and snapped the photo from the TV screen.


Anonymous said...

You can't be serious. You really think this is going to win the pulitzer prize? You have made some ridiculous, outlandish remarks on this blog, but this takes the cake.

Cocameister said...

Guess you can't a little tongue-in-cheek comment.

But, if not Pulitzer prize, then definitely one of the most memorable photos of the year (wait for the Year in Review Issue of Time magazine in December).

That picture says a thousand words.

Count on it, DMM...whoever you are.

Cocameister said...

Guess you can't a little tongue-in-cheek comment.

But, if not Pulitzer prize, then definitely one of the most memorable photos of the year (wait for the Year in Review Issue of Time magazine in December).

That picture says a thousand words.

Count on it, DMM...whoever you are.

julie said...

Caroline Kennedy has a op-ed about endorsing Obama in today's NY Times. Much more eloquently than I can, she described my feelings exactly.

Anonymous said...

Is this even actually a PHOTO? Or did you just freeze the film and take a picture of it? Besides, if you really think it's going to be one of the most memorable "photos" of the year, why did you have such a hard time finding it online? Why did you have to pause your DVR to take a photo of your TV if it's so memorable? And you haven't even explained why you think it's so memorable - what thousand words do you think that picture says? Occasionally, people turn around and don't look at other people - doesn't necessarily have to have some symbolic meaning. If you're going to post on a blog about it, at least explain why you think it's such a mind-blowing image.

And besides, I doubt it was really a tongue-in-cheek comment. I think you meant it, and are backpeddling because somebody called you out on how ridiculous that statement is.

Anonymous said...

Caroline Kennedy's op-ed endorsement of Obama in the Times on Sunday was eloquent and inspirational. It brings dignity and intelligence back into politics. Here is the link:


Anonymous said...

Seems like it somewhat of a big deal.



The picture is all over the place.

Will said...

dmmm -- why so cranky? is this going back to the Edwards trial lawyer sore spot? You were right, Edwards was just doing his job and we should blame the jury BUT when you're looking at candidate x who gave his/her life to public service or candidate y who made a fortune elsewhere and then decided to go into public service b/c - heck, I went to law school and feel like I have some darn good ideas plus I'm photogenic - well, I for one feel better about candidate x (Clinton, Obama, McCain).

Anonymous said...

I'm not cranky...I just think it was a dumb post. And I don't care if other news sources have posted the picture, I still don't think it's all that revolutionary (they're opponents for christ's sake, of course they're not going to be lovey-dovey) or award-winning. I sorta thought the purpose of a blog was to be a forum for ideas, and not just people who agree with the poster. Also, this has nothing to do with the Edwards post. I don't like Edwards either, but disliking him because of his job is pretty lame.

Cocameister said...


The point of the post was to show the following:
1. The meeting of Hillary and Ted Kennedy on the very day that Ted was out giving a speech of endorsement for Obama (and a scathing rebuke of the Clinton's...if you heard what he said).
2. Not only that they met and shook hands, but that had to do it with the all of the cameras watching, not just on the Senate floor the next day with CSPAN taping...this was on every national network.
3. Hillary smiling and saying something to him. What would you say to someone who just did that to you that day? "Hey Ted, how's it hanging?"
4. She has class and balls to reach out and shake his hand.
5. Obama looks like he wanted no part of the conversation, whether it was 'friendly' or tense.

That's all...just a great shot with a lot happening in the one of the greatest presidential election races of all time.

As for you, you actually add some spice to this blog, because for the most part, I just have a small group of friends who are reading this. I don't mind you being confrontational...it adds excitement and keeps me on my toes.

Will said...

I don't dislike Edwards because of his job, I dislike him because he's creepy. I don't want him to be my president because of his job.