Monday, March 10, 2008

Prescription Drugs in the Water

Is this the reason why placebo drugs also improve outcomes and it has become harder to show superiority of medications in recent randomized controlled trials? Or, is this the reason why you've been feeling so happy lately?;_ylt=AhftqtnOnNl.GiF6jEcmHX0DW7oF


Will said...

Steve, how about a study of the marshes around the West Haven VA for viagra levels? any sightings of muskrats w/ priapism? (I challenge anyone to find that question elsewhere in the blogosphere)

julie said...

What will Tom Cruise say about this?

Will said...

tom cruise?

julie said...

He's a Christian Scientist and star of such movies as "Top Gun" and the delightful "Eyes Wide Shut." You may recall him from his public disagreement with Brooke Shields about the fact that he does not believe that post-partum depresssion should be treated with SSRIs since he and other Christian Scientists do not think that humans should be taking drugs/medicine for any reason. Or something like that.