Also, in case you all missed it, Clemens was interviewed on 60 Minutes tonight. He was in a bit of a testy mood. Didn't like the questions, and said things like, "How can people doubt me after 23 years?!?!?!". He, of course, said that he only got injections of lidocaine and B-12. Who gets lidocaine shots into their butts? Give me a break. He could not answer why McNamee would tell the truth about Pettite (who admitted that the allegations in the Mitchell report were true about his own involvement) and would just "make up lies" about Clemens. He also drank water several times during the interview, kept touching his forehead, and became defensive...all signs that he is guilty. Apparently, Clemens has been asked to testify before congress in 2 weeks. Interesting.
Funny thing is that 1/7/2007 Daily News had an article about signs that he was not telling the truth. Several experts actually said he did a pretty good job avoiding the tell tale signs of a liar. It is going to get pretty interesting.
Update: Clemens filed a defamation suit against McNamee. This is really going to get interesting. That is a bold move.
funny thing to me (see www.phillywill.blogspot) is that the clearest indication that he's lying is he's not pissed off enough. Crasnick (espn.com) said he passed the plausibility test in that regard. NO WAY. Some dude accused me of cutting in line at WaWa today and I got more fired up than Clemens was. It almost seemed more like whining, like he wanted to say "24 years and you think people would cut me a break (since i only used in 4 out of 23 seasons)" rather than "show some respect" or whatever he actually said.
I disagree. I think it would have looked much worse if he was argumentative.
The ball is now in the McNamee court. They said they would file a suit if Clemens called him a liar. Clemens basically did call him a liar, filed suit first and now reports are that McNamee and Co are not going to proceed. Very interesting.
I think the best point Clemens made was that there is no dealer or witness to his obtaining the drugs. McNamee injected him but Clemens provided the drugs.
I do think Clemens was a user but he must be pretty confident that there is no proof.
at risk of being argumentative, I think there's a difference between argumentative and angry. in Clemens' version, this one man and former friend! has TOTALLY fabricated something that could mean the destruction of Clemens' entire livelihood, reputation, everything he has stood for. I think that deserves SERIOUS anger. Forget 'deserves' ...how would you be able to contain it?
I can just see the headlines. Clemens in roid rage fit on 60 minutes.
I didn't see the press conference but it sounds like he was pretty angry. Does that make it more believable? I don't think so.
The next steps will reveal a lot more.
Love the banter guys...keep it up!!
steroids don't cause rage, they cause arms to grow out of skulls, everybody knows that
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