Kathleen informed me about a very cool thing on the USAToday website. You can play "Candidate Match Game". You answer 11 questions based on various issues, and it matches you up with the candidates for president.
I just finished playing, and my results are a little troubling, because none of the top 3 that it matched me with are still in the race or are polling greater than 5%. My three? None other the Mike Gravel, Chris Dodd, and Dennis Kucinich. Wow. Not sure what to say.
Why don't you play and then post your results in the comments section.
Yes, I had similar puzzling results. My top three were Gravel, McCain and Kucinich. I'm not exactly sure how McCain is up so high, either.
Very revealing! I was Gavel, Kucinich, Dodd. Sigh. Now what? I wish you could just eliminate the candidates who weren't even in the race and do-over.
Biden Clinton Dodd. There were times where I probably went w/ what was politically realistic (e.g. civil unions) that just narrowly kept me out of Kucinich-ville.
But, Will, it's not like you were actually voting here. Why not just express your real opinion to see who you get - or do you really disagree with civil unions for gay people? A USA Today game is no place for political realism.
the debate for me is civil union w/ full marriage benefits vs actual 'marriage' w/ full marriage benefits. For me this is mostly an issue of semantics about which I care very little, so in this case, I picked the stance that I want my candidate to back, not what I would ideally want in fairy-tale land.
What's the difference between civil union vs. official marriage? Here's a link for anyone wondering (although does not account for potential marriage benefits). Judy has a friend who thought Paige and I were fascinating because she thought we had embarked on a civil union. Now we are boring again :(
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