Wow! Not even close! A historic moment for sure.
I'm glad the campaigning is over. President-elect Obama will now have monumental tasks ahead of him: trying to steady the economy (less will be more), presiding over the two wars, dealing with other global threats (Iran, Pakistan, etc), the need to reform health care and social security, and the need bring a real energy policy to the U.S.
We will be watching closely....remember "the night is darkest before the dawn".
Truly historic and I feel so proud to be able to be a little part of this monumental time. I felt tonight was McCain's most shining moment.
Such an incredible time in our country's history! It is so wonderful to see the public so invested in their country and their leadership!
McCain was never a bad man, just got swayed by the dark side...which wasn't him and it showed.
agreed regarding mccain. likeable guy, but definitely got pulled off course from the mccain of 2000. may have been a closer race if he had been that guy (definitely would've appealed more to the center).
I agree. McCain is not a bad man, and his speech last night was one of the most humble and respectable he has ever given.
Again, he deserves a spot in Obama's administration. Maybe he will allowed to be himself now (McCain 2000).
McCain's most shining moment was in 1973.
I love how Obama lovers admire the first speech they ever listen to with an open mind by John McCain. This hero gave speeches throughout the campaign that were just as gracious, genuine, and uplifting. But he was running against the Obamessiah then -- so there was no need to listen (much less praise).
2000 McCain was no different from 2008 McCain. He was just running against Obama instead of Bush this time. The press called him a maverick in 2000 - they mock him with that moniker today.
A hero like McCain belongs in any administration. No one has been more moderate or friendly to opponents. If Barack is serious about taking his first steps ever towards bipartisanship -- he would put this hero in his cabinet.
I'm so glad we've had this time together ...
that one's hilarious. I like the map, too
Brings back memories of Fred Armisen working the touch screen on SNL, putting Oregon in the ocean and bouncing Michigan off the bottom.
Both are pretty hilarious. Thanks for sharing.
Slightly unrelated but what's up with CA's vote on proposition 8? So disappointing...
Is there irony in the fact that exit polls indicate the vast majority of black voters (in greater percentage than other voters) opposed gay marriage initiatives? We open one civil rights door while closing another.
The simple thing is to do away with all marriage rights, benefits, tax breaks etc.
I think doing away with marriage makes a lot of sense. Those with religious preferences about getting married could still have their ceremonies to be joined under god, or whatever, and everyone else can just enter a mutually agreed-upon contract based on finances and division of household time.
We might still need to legislate the fact of such a contract, but no tax benefit need be given for those engaging in a joint contract. Two or more people of any relationship could enter the contract. If anyone's read the book "Nudge" it will explain why I think we would still need to legislate the contract - but it would be kind of like car insurance.
Society, in this case, or government would just say "ok, you can all live together as consenting adults but we already know that if you don't enter into a mutually agreed upon contract that legal battles will ensue that will cost the rest of us so you have to do just that."
I like it. Marriage is outdated. It wasn't designed to have equal partners entering into a mutually agreed upon financial contract. It was designed for the man to "acquire" the woman and her stuff.
Is society saying "you can all 'live' together as consenting adults" a nod to the national orgy concept Obama is trying to teach to kindergarteners?
I would swap marriage for national orgies right now. Why didn't you guys tell me about this???? Was it on his website??? GOBAMA! GOBAMA!
time for the radical commune lifestyle.
Now that we have a Marxist president, it IS time to turn up the radicalism a notch.
it's silent. must be a latte party at starbucks. i mean, really..............what happened to the 8 daily intellectual rants a day? i'm sad. the radical content has disappeared.
I've been out of town at a conference and barely even checked my email over past several days, let alone had time to blog.
Have a bunch of homework tonight, but hoping to get back on the wagon tomorrow.
Plus, I'm more of a Dunkin' Donuts kind of guy, despite my political leanings.
krispy kreme is the $hI!
Wasilla Hillbillies! HA! Too funny.
Okay, now I am the first to admit that this mutual massage of marxist mania masquerading as a "discussion" blog needs criticism (heaps). But, if all you ("ANON") can offer is the same tired Starbucks line, then you're no better than the people offering the "just put a smart man in charge of my life" line on this board. I have met most of the people who post on this board. They are misguided, mistaken, and (in Will's case) misshapen.
But they are good people.
Like Neville Chamberlain, Jimmy Carter, and Ralph Furley, they deserve our pity more than scorn (but they need some of that too). But if you must mock them, at least try to a) be original or b) be funny or c) have a point.
I am now off to Starbucks.
i have never seen a group of people so unwilling to take personal responsibility for their actions. cocoa, i will defer to your opinions on the board posters. while good in your eyes, misguided and unwilling to accept personal responsibility is what i see. i guess there will be a bailout solution for anything they don't like. sad, i expected more from this crowd.
Whoa, now I am confused...where did we shift to "no personal responsibility"? I thought we were just talking about the unreasonable proposal of doing away with marriage altogether. We have explicitly blogged on the fed's bailout, have we? Where are the Coca's Nuts bloggers failing to take personal responsibility? I don't think Don was asking for more shallow, vague accusations. But I don't want to speak for Don.
As for "anon", he/she has not offered much and is entirely too pious. Not to mention, an obvious coward. Your expectations have no context...weak
and your intellect is weaker. sadly, you don't recognize that. keep being a legend in cocoa's mind.
Here you go again Anon...slinging mud without knowing us. Or maybe you do but then the only respectable thing to do would be to reveal yourself. You, my friend (as John McCain may refer to you), have no idea the strength of Kath's intellect. So, unless you actually have something interesting to say, please go find somewhere else to spend your petty time. Perhaps you have some friends of your own? Then again, judging by your approach, maybe not.
While I do think the left often wants the state to accept responsibility on behalf of individuals (commit a crime, the government knows it's not your fault; don't want to work, the government doesn't think you should have to, etc.). But, I don't believe this particular thread has anything to do with individual responsibility. If you have a problem with anyone on this board, I could respect your thoughts more if you said what they were and why you have them. The fact that you have me defending this crowd.....
Welcome to the dark side, Don. It is nice to have you.
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