Good week for:
1. Scholar athletes, after a report from the NCAA revealed that the graduation rate for these student-athletes increased to 79%, an all-time high. However, only 60% of athletes in men's baseball, football and basketball are only graduating. Overall, this is encouraging, but there still needs to be a better metric. Are more graduating because of more help (i.e., getting answers to test and super easy courses)? Or, are they truly achieving more academic success? Perhaps they can examine how many progress successfully into the work-force or go on to graduate school.
2. Googlers, as researchers at UCLA found that searching the internet improves cognitive function over time. Now just don't search the internet while drinking alcohol, as this will offset the effect, as researchers at Boston University found that alcohol results in brain shrinkage.
3. AIG executives, after they partied in a luxury resort one week after the US government gave them an $85 billion bailout. This is disgusting and these people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Bad week for:
1. Government oversight, when a former government auditor revealed that an agency within the Department of the Interior that was supposed to help regulate the oil industry, was routinely engage in unethical practices, including bribes and sexual favors. This report is nauseating, but is blatant evidence for how the oil industry has congress and the government wrapped around their finger.
2. Adam "Pacman" Jones, who got into trouble, yet again, after he brawled with one of his bodyguards in a hotel last weekend. He was suspended for 4 games by the commissioner. This man is out of control, and he should be banned from the NFL. He has repeatedly demonstrated that he just cannot behave. A man is paralyzed because of him. He is a supreme troublemaker. Playing in the NFL is not a right, it's a privilege.
3. Not having a prenuptial agreement, after a Cambodian man literally sawed off half of his house, leaving half to his wife (see above image).
4. The "Father of Conservatism", after his son, Christopher Buckley, a writer for the National Review, officially endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain. He had many criticisms of McCain, including his changing stances on issues, his anger, negative attacks, and also his choice of VP candidate. He also praised the demeanor and intellect of Obama. That is impressive honesty. You've got to admire someone in that type of spotlight who has the courage to say those types of things rather than blindly following one party or the other.
Bad week for the National Review as well now that Buckley resigned.
"While I regret this development, I am not in mourning, for I no longer have any clear idea what, exactly, the modern conservative movement stands for," Buckley wrote.
But he is not the only right-sider to speak out. Don't forget Hagel and his wife...
bad week for cocoa. no one is responding to the blog. people have moved on and are reading other blogs. there is all this stuff from cocoa. and i ask. for who? for what? the silence is amazing.
I do like cocoa though.
Is this commenter "anonymous #1" or "anonymous #2?"
Umm, excuse me. I am commenting so I think saying "no one is responding" is a huge insult to both Coca and myself.
Bad week for laissez faire - ians. I was listening to details of the British bank bail out MOnday thinking Margaret Thatcher must be rolling over. John Stewart made an interesting comment last night (which I think he acknowledged was not original) - we socialize loss and privatize gain. With my hundred upon hundreds in retirement funds, I'm not complaining.
What an omniscient anonymous we have!
I guess it was nearly 24 hours that the last blog was posted so there should have been a flurry of activity already; and noone who reads Coca's nuts has other responsibilities so clearly the "amazing silence" must be that noone is reading it.
What's your damage, Heather? And what about the Palin posts got your panties all in a bunch?
I didn't mean to imply Margaret Thatcher is dead, btw. We need a cliche for what people who are living do when something they don't like is happening.
A bad day to be a bottled water maker. This isn't new news to most of us, but bottled water's no better than tap and could be worse...some don't even meet California's standards. Keep writin', Coca!
the cocoa puff crowd is back! now this is the blog i love. i have tears. on a side note, do any of you from the left think that Biden has prejudicial tendecies? very sad comment made about the indian culture has gone under reported. what do you moralists think?
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