Just finished watching the replay of the memorial service held at the Kennedy Center today for Tim Russert. His son Luke gave a great speech. He has inherited his father's oratory skills.
Bruce Springsteen joined the all-star group via satellite from Europe and told a story about Tim and then played a beautiful version of "Thunder Road".
That was the end of the 90 minute memorial, and at the close, they played "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on the PA system. As the attendees left the Kennedy Center, they walked out to see a majestic double rainbow in the sky above them. Watch this video from the 7 minute 30 second mark to see more about this. It was quite a poignant image. Watch the whole video to see highlights of the eulogies from the ceremony.
Wow, I am happy that you gave me the same story that appeared all over the www. You are good!
I never promised I would be providing original data and news that no one else has reported. I have a few other jobs...I am not an investigative reporter. I was just continuing my tribute to Mr. Russert.
I didn't mean to offend you. Sorry. I enjoy the blog. As for Tim Russert, it is still incredibly shocking. I commend you for your moving and touching tribute. BTW, IMUS is a waste of flesh.
No offense taken...I have thick skin. Part of my response was frustration with myself.
I love being a doctor, but I really LOVE blogging. I wish I could do more original stories on this blog. I wish I could go out on the streets and interview people, do research on topics, and then blog all day and night long, but right now my life does not allow it.
Maybe one day!! :)
Keep the faith COCA!
This blog is fascinating. I laud your efforts, intellect and passion.
P.S. I agree with your Imus comment. I am done with him. After he got fired, I remember telling people the part I was sad/angry about was the political forum he provided for people, and I wasn't necessarily feeling bad for Imus himself. The major reason I loved the show so much was the following: Where else can you get three 20-minute interviews every morning with politicians, pundits and writers? No where! Not NPR.
I don't know how Imus ended up with so much "pull", but he sure had it for a while. Now, he still has some pull, but it's just not the same. The garbage in between the interviews is simply that, garbage.
Imus is parody of IMUS. SAD :)
Keep being that great doc! The world needs more people like you.
i agree about luke russert. he has star written all over him.
For the record, Coca, I think you are a fantastic blogger. It would be embarrassing if I ever actually counted how many times a day I check out your blog.
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