1. Espana, after their national soccer team beat the Germans 1-0 in the Euro Cup Final yesterday. Spain had not won the title in over 44 years. The celebrations were wild in Spain overnight. Let's call it the world's largest fiesta!!!
2. Caged animals, when a giraffe helped 15 camels, 2 zebras, multiple llamas, and a pig escape from their cage at the traveling Dutch circus. That must have been quite a site to see these animals wandering through the town. Have you all seen the episode of Man vs. Wild when Bear Grylls guts a dead camel in the desert and lays down within it's carcass to show us how to protect ourselves from a sandstorm?
3. The people of earth, as a recent study found that happiness around the world (at least in 40 of the 52 countries studied over the time period 1981-2007) is increasing. The reasons why sunny disposition is increasing around the world are listed here:
Low-income countries such as India and China have experienced unprecedented
rates of economic growth; dozens of medium-income countries have democratized;
and there has been a sharp rise of gender equality and tolerance of ethnic
minorities and gays and lesbians in developed societies.
Bad week for:
1. Appeals, when Floyd Landis' bid to reclaim his Tour de France title was again denied by the courts. One of the best accounts I have come across of what might have happened, and the indisputable results of his urine testosterone tests is here. Floyd, give it up, and go join Roger Clemens in the "I have the worst defense ever against the evidence of the use of performance enhancing drugs" club.
2. Trying to sell your life, when an Australian man put his life up for sale on E-bay. He ended up selling his house, all his possessions, a trial spot for his job, and all of his contacts for about $382,000. Apparently, he was looking for $480,000. He was upset about the bad breakup he had with his wife and thus, was trying to start his life fresh. Another woman was trying to sell her house and heart on the internet. But, to me the all-time best utilization of the internet for one's prosperity was the young fellow in Canada who sold and bartered his way from a red paper clip all the way to a house in 14 separate trades. This guy was amazing. Please read about each trade by clicking on the photos at the top. My favorite trades revolved around Alice Cooper, but there were such funny offers for the apartment in Phoenix when the trade was still in question. Unfortunately, it looks like those offers are not archived on the website. One of the offers that I remember was a 24-hour lap dance from a Japanese stripper. No one can dance like that for 24 straight hours!! Plus, I don't think that would even be enjoyable for the guy...enough already!
3. Eating more (well, unless you live in Japan), as researchers at University of Texas Southwestern found that injecting latex into the face of cadavers decreased the aged look of a face and made the faces look younger. So, listen to your grandmothers, eat a 2nd helping, and plump up those cheeks!