Happy Valentine's Day everybody. In honor of this romantic holiday, I refer you to a sweet story about gorillas who were observed to be making love face to face. This is EXTREMELY rare for gorillas (primatologists from the Max Plank Institute in Germany said it was the first time in 13 years they had seen this type of behavior). They even witnessed the gorillas holding hands after their 2 minute soiree...
Wait a minute...this suggests that Huckabee is wrong! We might be related to gorillas?! What's next Coca...I suppose you're going to tell me that a woman has a right to choose what to do with her body. That's insane man.
Steve -- only 2 monkey sex posts in two months? National Geographic is going to rescind its pledge commitment.
The other one off to the right is taking pictures. What the researcher from Max Planck forgot to mention is that this behavior is commonplace in front of rolling film. The gorillas don't want to develop a reputation of being primitive and only copulating back to front. (They also like to get some ventro-ventral action as the story suggests)
If you read the full story, aptly named "Gorillas in a Tryst," you'll find that the true videographer called this "a very nice piece of action." But the authors note that the whole thing start to finish only lasted 2 minutes. Sound familiar?
Ahhh!!!! True Love.
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